These are the raw packet dumps from the 28c3.

Unfortunately there are some gaps in the data due to
a small mishap on our side.

The *.pkt files are named for the timespan from first to last packet
they contain. Their format is raw (pcap) packet dump frames.
To convert them to a valid .pcap file, prepend the header.pcap.

To convert a single .pkt, do:

(cat header.pcap; zcat 20111228T20:23:18-20:23:24.pkt.gz) > single.pcap

To create a big file, containing all the available packets:

(cat header.pcap; zcat *.pkt.gz) > big.pcap

Have fun with it.

-- team r0ket

  4K	header.pcap
576K	20111228T20:23:18-20:23:24.pkt.gz
  4M	20111228T20:28:08-20:28:55.pkt.gz
 53M	20111228T20:28:55-20:37:53.pkt.gz
233M	20111228T20:37:53-21:19:12.pkt.gz
 41M	20111228T21:19:12-21:24:54.pkt.gz
185M	20111228T21:24:54-21:52:17.pkt.gz
161M	20111228T21:52:17-22:18:19.pkt.gz
169M	20111228T22:18:19-22:47:09.pkt.gz
209M	20111228T22:47:09-23:19:53.pkt.gz
 89M	20111228T23:19:53-23:33:25.pkt.gz
 25M	20111228T23:33:25-23:37:00.pkt.gz
 57M	20111228T23:37:00-23:46:35.pkt.gz
 17M	20111228T23:46:35-23:49:09.pkt.gz
225M	20111228T23:49:09-00:20:21.pkt.gz
466M	20111229T01:00:00-03:02:06.pkt.gz
 40M	20111229T03:02:06-03:15:03.pkt.gz
169M	20111229T03:15:03-04:52:48.pkt.gz
 73M	20111229T04:52:48-05:51:00.pkt.gz
121M	20111229T05:51:00-07:38:48.pkt.gz
 17M	20111229T07:38:48-07:59:38.pkt.gz
345M	20111229T07:59:38-12:37:07.pkt.gz
 57M	20111229T12:37:07-13:02:08.pkt.gz
769M	20111229T13:02:08-16:01:02.pkt.gz
239M	20111230T01:00:00-02:02:54.pkt.gz
2.1G	20111230T02:02:54-17:10:27.pkt.gz
(sizes are for the un-compressed files)